30 March 2016

Radio podcasts on environmental issues

Today we share a first work from IES Angel de Saavedra in Córdoba. The students are  currently doing a great job on podcast in the classroom. 

Thanks to Pilar Torres, the English teacher. I hope you like!

Within the teaching programme of 3rd ESO, during this second term students have been working on environmental problems and they have developed the project Radio Podcast on Environmental issues. 
The final task has been the elaboration of a podcast for a radio programme, with interviews in which they have played the roles of experts, ONG´s and people in general. 

As you can see in the project title, it has got an interdisciplinary content: Science and English. The research that students have carried out has allowed them investigate in webpages in English different environmental problems that are affecting the world as well as discuss several ways to solve them. Nuclear waste, oil spilt, sea pollution, deforestation, etc… have been some of the problems discussed. 

Students have also made use of ICT and web 2.0 tools to select the information, elaborate and record the scripts for their podcasts (elaborated in Google docs) add music (Audacity), upload their podcasts to IES Ángel de Saavedra channel in Ivoox and send them to the blog of projects.
To know more, here's the description of the project Radio podcasts on environmental issues.

The final result, all the radio podcasts on environmental issues, are in the BLOG of projects, within the label Radio Podcasts.
Pilar Torres Caño
English teacher at IES Ángel de Saavedra (Córdoba)
Blog: alinguistico.blogspot.com

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